Vector Galvashield XP2 FC312027-UNIT

Vector Galvashield XP
Galvashield XP range of embedded galvanic anode units utilise an innovative zinc anode core design surrounded by an enhanced formulated cement-based mortar to provide corrosion mitigation to reinforced concrete structures. Once installed, the zinc anode corrodes preferentially to the adjacent reinforcing steel, thereby providing galvanic corrosion prevention or corrosion control.
MOQ: Minimum order of 1 box and must be purchased in multiples there of. Refer to TDS for box quantities for each of the below product options.
Typical Applications
- Used to mitigate ring anode corrosion when repairing reinforced concrete structures such as bridges
- Proven technology - Galvashield has an extensive 10 year track record in the field
- Type A anode - alkali-activated to maintain activity of zinc while being non-corrosive to reinforcing steel
- Cast zinc core - provides high anode utilisation in addition to a secure long-term connection between the zinc and the lead wires