In response to the growing demand for more sustainable construction products and practices, Fosroc ANZ's Renderoc Plus range provides builders and engineers with a concrete repair solution that is more sustainable while also being highly durable and faster to apply. The Renderoc Plus range boasts a significantly reduced carbon footprint, thanks to the reduced proportion of cement in its concrete mix. 


As Hamid Khan, Product Segment Specialist Concrete Repairs and Grouts explains, cement manufacture is a major contributor to carbon emissions. "Each tonne of cement produced generates approximately 900kg of carbon dioxide. By replacing up to 65% of the cement in our repair mortars with repurposed ground granulated blast furnace slag (a waste product from iron and steel manufacture), we reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere," Hamid says. 

With greater strength, reduced shrinkage and greater compatibility than alternative concrete repairs mortars, Renderoc Plus products guarantee the long-term integrity of concrete repairs without the environmental cost. 

The Renderoc Plus range comprises three products: 

  • Renderoc HB40 Plus - Used for vertical and overhead patch repairs, with localised trowel or wet spray application, up to 1m2 repair area.  
  • Renderoc HB70 Plus - Used for vertical and overhead patch repairs with localised trowel or wet spray application, up to 1m2 repair area. Suitable for vertical trowel builds between 5-100mm where the required strength is greater than 45 MPa. 
  • Renderoc LA55 Plus - Suitable for deep section patch repairs (between 50-500mm) requiring high strength (between 30-75 MPa). Applied using form pour or pump, in all orientations. 

In addition to offering enhanced sustainability, durability and buildability, the Renderoc Plus range is classified RCS Hazard Free (containing <0.1% respirable crystalline silica) and has options suitable for potable water. 


Greening the concrete jungle 

Reducing the environmental impacts of the construction industry is becoming a worldwide priority. 

In New Zealand, Fosroc ANZ Area Sales Manager Mike James has noticed increasing interest in the Renderoc Plus range from engineers who are striving to meet sustainability targets on projects. 

"Recognition of Renderoc Plus's green credentials is driving a huge amount of interest," he says. "The beauty of the Renderoc Plus products is that they deliver sustainability benefits without comprising on durability or performance." 

In line with its broader sustainability vision, Fosroc ANZ has also adopted more sustainable packaging for the Renderoc Plus range, making greater use of recycled plastics.  


Improved durability 

All Renderoc Plus products conform to the highest European standards and deliver long-lasting repairs that extend the serviceable life of concrete structures. 

The enhanced durability of Renderoc Plus repairs is due primarily to two factors: 

i) excellent product adhesion with existing substrates; and  

ii) reduced permeability of the repair. 

Hamid explains that it's the addition of the ground granulated blast furnace slag that makes repairs less permeable to moisture or chloride. 

"Not only does the blast furnace slag reduce the environmental footprint, it also makes the concrete less permeable and more chemically stable," he says. "By reducing chloride diffusion, the steel reinforcement is protected from corrosion over time making the repair more durable."  


Easier, faster application  

Renderoc Plus products are becoming increasingly popular with applicators, who find them faster and easier to apply. 

"The consistency of the Renderoc Plus products means that in many instances, only one application is necessary, rather than multiple," Mike explains. 

"For project managers, this means greater site efficiency. For customers, this means their projects can be completed faster. " 


Projects that have used Renderoc Plus 

Renderoc Plus products have been used on the following projects: 


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