Project Date:

Customer Queensland pharmaceutical factory

Applicator HAG Industrial Coatings

Sector Pharmaceutical


  • Fosroc Nitoflor FC150 HP-SL
  • Fosroc Nitomortar 903


At a hard-working pharmaceutical factory in Queensland, a tired vinyl floor was due for replacement. It was cracked, lifting in places, and it was not delivering to the required standards of hygiene for the facility.   

The factory's new floor needed to be durable, hygienic and deliver a smooth, glossy finish. The removal of the old vinyl floor had revealed an irregular surface, which also needed to be resolved with the application of the new coating. 

The asset owner wanted a solution that was resistant to chemical and bacteria attack, was join-free and that would clean easily. There was also a colour requirement, with bright blue being the preference. 

New Nitoflor FC150 HPSL the ideal solution 

The experienced team at HAG Industrial Coatings were the applicators on this flooring project. As long-time users of Fosroc products, the team had trialled a sample pack of new Nitoflor FC150 HPSL, giving them the confidence to specify it for the pharmaceutical factory. 

The HAG team worked closely with Fosroc Queensland Account Manager Julia Fitzgerald, and Product Segment Specialist (ANZ) Flooring & Coatings, Andrew Nelson. 

"As this was the first time the product had been used on a full scale project, we were very hands-on to make sure the application went smoothly, answer any technical questions and ensure an optimal result was achieved," Julia explains 

What is new Nitoflor FC150 HPSL? 

Nitoflor FC150 HPSL is a heavy duty, industrial/commercial epoxy coating for concrete floors that is attractive and easily cleaned. It is highly resistant to chemical attack and the action of forklift vehicular and commercial type traffic. Among its key benefits, it is: 

  • Durable, long lasting and easily maintained
  • Offers good resistance to many industrial chemicals
  • Provides an attractive gloss finish
  • Slip resistant with the addition of Nitoflor Anti-Slip Grains, to improve safety for plant and personnel 
  • Available in a wide range of light reflective colours to provide a brighter work area
  • HACCP certified for use in food handling areas
  • Cleaner to use, with no requirement to add or mix additional fillers on site
  • RCS hazard free 

Nitoflor FC150 HPSL combines the benefits of several Fosroc products into one high performing solution. It replaces Nitoflor FC150HP, Nitoflor SL, Nitoflor SLX, Nitoflor FC150HP-FC and Nitoflor Colour Pots 500gm. 

Application steps 

The project included coating internal laboratory surfaces as well as enclosed perimeter walkways. There were also several wet areas featuring large sinks and hoses. A key benefit of Nitoflor FC150 HPSL is that it can be used for both self levelling and roll coat applications. This meant that the product could be used across the entire project. 

Step 1: After removing the old vinyl flooring, the concrete surface was cleaned and ground back to ensure a sound, clean, dry substrate. 

Step 2: The floors were primed with Nitomortar 903 to provide early development of initial hardness. 

Step 3: Nitoflor FC150 HPSL (self leveller application) was mixed and poured. Spike rollers and gauge rakes were used to ensure an even application and eliminate air bubbles. 

Step 4: Nitoflor FC150 HPSL (roll coat application) was mixed and anti-slip grains added before application by brush and roller to wet areas.  

Nitoflor FC150 HPSL can be tinted using Nitoflor Colour Pots, which are available in 13 colours, including 11 Australian Standard AS2700 colours. Specialty colours are available on request. For this project, the selected colour was Harbour Blue. 

The project took about two weeks to complete and included more than 1000 sqm of flooring. The fast dry time of Nitoflor FC150 HPSL was an advantage in terms of keeping the project moving. 

Coving an additional requirement 

Once the old vinyl flooring was removed, it became clear that there was an additional coving requirement on the project. This was completed using strong, versatile Nitomortar 903 before being top-coated with Nitoflor FC150 HPSL. 

Product supply critical 

A factor in the success of this project was product supply. Timely delivery, through efficient coordination of supply from other parts of the country, ensured the project ran on time. 

According to Chris Mogridge from HAG Industrial Coatings, Fosroc is a leader in this regard. 

"Their support is first class. Their product and technical support is excellent, and their delivery times are excellent. For this project they arranged freight from Sydney and everything was on time. We had no issues waiting on materials." 

Leveraging the wider DuluxGroup 

When it emerged during the project that aluminium wall dividers (located behind machinery) had corroded due to rust, we brought in our colleagues at Dulux Protective Coatings to provide a fast, seamless solution using Dulux Durebild STE. 

"We were able to provide the right quantity of colour-matched Durebild STE with a one-day turnaround, which kept the whole project on track," Julia explains.  

Rave reviews for Nitoflor FC150 HPSL 

According to Chris Mogridge from HAG Industrial Coatings, Nitoflor FC150 HPSL offered excellent coverage and produced an "incredible finish." He said it was extremely easy to work with. 

"As a self leveller it flowed beautifully. We didn’t have any issues with air entrapment or any bubbling issues as long as the surface had been primed heavily enough with Nitomortar 903." 

"The working time with Nitoflor FC150 HPSL was also very good. We had plenty of time to get back on the floor and fix any imperfections before it started to cure. The result was a perfect finish." 

Fosroc's Julia Fitzgerald explains the glowing feedback from the asset owner: 

"The asset owner was very happy with the results. He couldn’t believe how shiny his new floors were, which is what he wanted. He also loved the bright blue colour, which is such a contrast to the old, grey vinyl floor." 

Find out more 

Contact your local Fosroc ANZ specialist using the form at the bottom of this page.